The Shining Opening Sequence Analysis
The only time where there was not a form of an establishing shot was when the camera zoomed in on the yellow car, where at this point 'Jack Nicholson' scrolls up on the screen, connoting to the audience that he is the person who is in the car as well as suggesting that he is the main character within the film as he is the first person to be introduced to the audience.
The typography used in the opening allows the audience to clearly see the companies and people who are involved with the film, the use of making the text a icy blue colour does this as well as also connote the Horror genre of the film as this colour could relate to the fact that sometimes death causes human bodies to turn blue, thus foreshadowing that there is probably going to be deaths in the film.
The use of the music with the shots help to produce an interesting contrast with the peaceful setting of the landscape and the use of the sinister music, where at first the two objects do not blend together. This helps for the music to set the tone for the film.
The transitions used are very sharp when showing a different location and symbolising one of the main themes in the film (Change), as the sharp cuts to a different location can convey the dramatic change in the main character.
The lighting used throughout the opening is all from the natural sources suggesting that at this moment everything is fine and that nothing bad is going to happen yet due to the brightness of the lighting.