My introduction to different types of Camera shots
we were given the task to produce 10- 15 seconds shots for 11 different types of shots to help show our understanding of the different kind of shots used in video production .
After we had captured all of our footage, we had to edit it using Adobe Premiere, where we decided on how we wanted to present our shots and how we should place our text, what order we should place the shots and if we wanted to add audio into the background.
This is what I created.
Some really good shots here, Charlotte, particularly those which are more distant. I think when you get the the Mid shots/ Close-ups you should really be going in a bit closer (ECU should be unnaturally close). You might want to try and make your camera a little more stable, since you get a bit wobbly at times. Also, be careful about your shot being slightly angled; you could do with making sure the composition is a little tighter. Some of the shots (e.g. the LS, MLS, CU) are very well framed. Some effective editing and use of titles as well - well done.